Orbs December 2021 Update

Olga Chef
Olga Chef


3 years ago


Hey Orbs follower!

First, let us send you and your family our best wishes for a fabulous holiday season from across the miles! May peace, love, prosperity and joy be with you throughout the year.

Now, let's recap the most exciting news, updates, integrations and releases taking place during the last month of the year 🌟

Dive in this short read to share our fun & find topics that interest you 🤓

Take a look at some of the highlights:

📌 Orbs Goes Live on Serum

📌 Orbs Ecosystem Keeps Growing: Orbs is Now Live on Harmony!

📌 Orbs Welcomes Onboard a New JP Guardian, D-Kuru

📌 ORBS Goes Live on Harmony Using the Horizon Cross-Chain Bridge!

📌 Orbs Runs the Second Orbso Universe Gang NFT Contest! Are you in? :)

📌 Orbs Hits 50+K Followers on Twitter & Aims to Double This Number!

📌 The Open DeFi Notifications Beta Version Launch is Coming Soon!

Orbs Goes Live on Serum

🔹After successfully bridging the ORBS token via Solana's Wormhole cross-chain bridge and going live on Raydium, Orbs went live on Serum, further expanding its ecosystem.

🔹Serum's on-chain central limit order book and matching engine provides liquidity and price-time-priority matching to traders and composing projects. Now, you can add liquidity to Orbs pool which is currently available on Raydium for ORBS-SOL, with a total liquidity of ~$58K. In return you will receive trading fees for that pair, and LP Tokens that you may stake elsewhere to earn additional rewards.

Read more about Serum in the full blog post.

Orbs Ecosystem Growth: Harmony!

🔹As you probably know, Orbs keeps strengthening its position as a multi-chain asset across the DeFi space. So, the project's next step has been integrating with Harmony, as it brings together several key blockchain innovations, such as faster settlement, shorter withdrawal wait times and gas-efficient interoperability.

🔹Moreover, bringing the Orbs ecosystem to Harmony introduces new opportunities to explore deep sharding. The sharding approach of this network uses adaptive proof-of-Stake to maintain strong network security. More so, the current Total Locked Value (TVL) on the Harmony chain is over $508M, with a clear uptrend of growth.

Find out more in this blog post.

ORBS Goes Live on Harmony Using the Horizon Cross-Chain Bridge

🔹To start its chain integration with Harmony, Orbs went live on the Horizon bridge, the official cross-chain bridge recently launched by Harmony.

🔹In order to bridge Orbs onto Harmony, you can pick the ORBS token from the pulldown list in the Horizon Bridge page. Orbs holders can select between Ethereum and BSC chains.

The ORBS token address on Horizon can be found here:

Find out more details about the Horizon bridge in our blog post.

Orbs Welcomes Onboard a New Guardian, D-Kuru!

🔹Orbs team is thrilled to welcome aboard a new Guardian, D-Kuru! D-Kuru aims to represent the Orbs community, maintain the security of the network and uphold its long term vision, investing time and effort in the network's success.

Read all about our new Guardian in a dedicated blog post.

Orbs' Exciting Series of Contests Continues

🔹We're continuing the exciting series of contests to give out the entire Universe Gang NFT collection designed and dedicated to the Orbs community.

Check them out:

🔹You can also view the entire collection on OpenSea.

🏆 Prize: winners will get one NFT from Orbso Mobsters NFT cards collection, while the first prize winner 🥇 will get an NFT from a group of 7 unique Orbso NFTs - Orbso Boss!

Read everything about the Second Contest here.

🔹We're excited to share that Orbs has recently reached 50+K followers on Twitter and aims to double this number with the help of our dedicated followers and supporters.

The Open DeFi Notifications Protocol Update: The Beta Version Launch is Coming Soon!

🔹The Orbs core team keeps working hard on the Open DeFi Notifications Protocol Beta Version aimed at notifying the users on the crucial on-chain events via free mobile notifications.

🔹The Beta Version launch date is coming soon! Hold on and don't forget to follow us to stay updated on the exact launch day.

Read all about the DeFi Notifications Protocol here.

And of course, there's so much more coming soon! Keep following and don't miss any important update)

Look for the Orbs team on social media - we're always here for our community - answering questions, providing support and trying to reach out to new participants. Want to talk to us? You can find us on the following:

🔗 Social Channels:

Telegram official channel Telegram Announcements Twitter YouTube Japanese chat (LINE) Korean chat (Kakao) Discourse (Orbs Universe members talk)

🌎 Our Official Websites:

Orbs website 

Hexa Foundation

You'll be hearing from us soon!

Until next time!

*Please Note

Use of the platforms and services described above carries significant risk. Digital assets and decentralized finance products are, by their nature, highly risky, experimental and volatile. Such platforms and services may be subject to security and economic risks and exploits and transactions may be irreversible, final and without refunds. Such use carries risk of substantial losses.

Any use of any platform, application and/or services described above is at your own risk and you are solely responsible for all transaction decisions. You should do your own research and independently review any third party services and platforms and any applicable information terms, conditions or policies applicable to such platforms and services.*

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