Perpetual Hub 

A One-stop Shop for Intent-

based Perpetual Futures

Perpetual Hub by Orbs is a new full suite of services under active development for on-chain perpetual futures trading, powered by Orbs decentralized layer 3 execution services.

Perpetual Hub will operate on Orbs layer 3, powering three vital functions crucial for intent-based perpetual order execution:


A Market Maker. The hedger provides liquidity by filling user orders. Acting as the counter-party to trades, Hedgers can leverage external liquidity sources, including centralized exchanges, such as Binance, for unparalleled liquidity.


On-chain perpetual future support leverage trading. Users are required to lock collateral on-chain when initiating leveraged positions. Should the collateral value dip below the maintenance margin threshold, third-party Liquidators will liquidate the user's position, earning a liquidation fee as compensation.

Price Oracle

In the blockchain realm, oracles bridge off-chain and on-chain data. Price oracles are an important system component that are needed to provide uPnL (unrealized profit and loss) of accounts, flagging liquidations, and more. Therefore, having a reliable and robust price oracle while maintaining proper decentralization is essential for running the platform smoothly.

With Perpetual Hub, intent-based decentralized trading platforms will be able to use Orbs layer 3 technology to integrate one singular suite of necessary features without needing to build, pay, or otherwise integrate multiple partners for separate parts.

Once Perpetual Hub is fully integrated into a perpetual trading platform, third-party market participants can utilize the technology to serve as Hedgers or Liquidators and utilize reliable decentralized price oracles.

Perpetual Hub Partners and Integrations

The Orbs project has recently joined forces with SYMMIO and IntentX to address the challenge of capital efficiency in on-chain derivatives trading and propel it to new heights.

While SYMMIO is the smart contract layer of intent-based perpetual futures trading and IntentX runs the frontend UI, Orbs completes this powerful trio with Perpetual Hub -- a decentralized protocol for the necessary functions required for the intent-based engine to operate.

Powered by Orbs Network

Through its novel Layer 3 technology, the Orbs Network enhances the capabilities of smart contract platforms, providing essential services to DEXs across DeFi.

Tools utilizing Orbs L3 technology include Liquidity Hub for aggregated liquidity and lower price impact, as well as Advanced Trading Orders, such as decentralized limit and TWAP orders, for efficient execution. The release of Perpetual Hub establishes Orbs' technology as a key DeFi infrastructure for DEXs in spot and futures markets.

The Orbs Network has dozens of independent validators running Proof-of-Stake consensus, with over $100 million staked. It has been running on the mainnet since 2019.

The Perpetual Hub software will leverage the power of the decentralized Orbs Network, with its Guardians and proof-of-stake ecosystem, to allow platforms, market participants and other third parties to provide and operate this suite of decentralized services. Orbs will not be engaging in trading, hedging or serving as a liquidator. The Perpetual Hub is a beta version that is still under active development and all underlying digital assets, blockchain networks and DEX platforms are also subject to ongoing development and to various risks, and as such, Perpetual Hub or the underlying platforms:

(a) may contain bugs, errors and defects, (b) may function improperly or be subject to periods of downtime and unavailability, (c) may result in total or partial loss of funds. Any use of any platform, application and/or services described here is at your own risk and you are solely responsible for all transaction decisions.

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