Orbs By the Numbers

Eddy Kim
Eddy Kim


4 years ago


Since Orbs Ltd. was established in 2017 and the production-ready Orbs Network mainnet was launched in 2019, the Orbs Network has been growing through a variety of efforts by the entire community, including: the token distribution event, listing on exchanges, the continued growth of the PoS universe, partnerships with enterprise businesses, DeFi integration with multi chain support, etc. To help easily understand the current state of the project, the Orbs core team has sorted out some of what has been accomplished over the last 2 years during this journey by the numbers. Some of these numbers are very interesting to us and some may be interesting to community members as well.

Here it is!


Orbs by the numbers; All data is as of August 2021. The numbers will be updated as the Orbs Network grows

About Orbs: 1, 5, 30+

Orbs is the leading blockchain company in Israel, a country that is famous for its innovation and start-ups. Orbs has been selected as one of the “Cool vendors in blockchain technology” by Gartner. Now there are more than 30 team members who are working hard in global offices (Israel, UK, S.Korea, Singapore, Japan); more than half are part of the R&D team. The ecosystem contains many partners around the globe.

Origin of Innovation and R&D: 3, 161

Orbs is developer-friendly. Developers can start working on Orbs easily, with just a few clicks in the most popular cloud environments including AWS, Azure by Microsoft, and Google Cloud. Orbs is a full open-source project and there are 161 repositories in the project’s official github. As mentioned, half of the team members are R&D and the Orbs Network is not a fork of any existing solution but was developed from scratch and is a fully public, permissionless blockchain solution.

Status of Orbs network: 18, 879, 2017, 46K

Orbs was established in 2017 and launched our production-ready mainnet in March 2019. As of 19 August 2021, the Orbs Network is 879 days old. And we now have 46K+ twitter followers and thousands more community members via other global and local social channels. ORBS tokens can be traded on 18 exchanges globally.

Orbs is Decentralized: 8589, 224K, 38M

As the Orbs network is a permissionless public blockchain, it is distributed to more than 8000 addresses holding ORBS tokens on all integrated blockchain networks (ETH, BSC, Polygon) and there have been over 224K transactions of ORBS tokens to date. In addition to the main circulating supply on Ethereum, there are now also 38M tokens swapped to the BSC and Polygon networks, which are outside of the Ethereum network.

Orbs PoS Universe(1): 8, 11, 14

You can participate in Orbs PoS Universe to earn a Maximum of 8% rewards (APR). To participate by staking ORBS, there are 11 popular wallets that can be used easily on Win, Mac, Android, iOS. There is a 14-day cooldown period to unlock staked tokens.

Orbs PoS Universe(2): 21, 1067, 898M

There are 21 active Guardians securing the Orbs network, together with 1000+ delegators. The total number of staked tokens in the PoS Universe is 898M, which is about 40% of the current circulating supply. This stake provides security and consensus governance to the network.

Trading Volume: 215M, 2.23B, 10B

Orbs is now ranked #184 on Coinmarketcap with a market capitalization of about $215M. 2.23B ORBS are now active in the market out of 10B total supply.

Of course these numbers are not final and will continue to change with the growth of the Orbs Network.

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