Gate.io exchange, a top 20 exchange by CoinMarketCap ranking, has officially announced the listing of ORBS, the official native token of the Orbs network. The following trading pairs are now available on Gate.io: ORBS/USDT and ORBS/ETH.
Gate.io exchange is one of the earliest and largest cryptocurrency exchanges, operating stably and reliably since 2013, with a constant exploration of innovative technologies to offer the best trading experience. Gate.io offers comprehensive protection of users’ funds with both centralized and decentralized methods, efficient trading and instant deposit/withdrawal using cutting-edge technology, and committed to being open, transparent, and cooperative. Gate.io is a top 20 exchange by CoinMarketCap with over $500M of daily trading volume.
The listing follows a series of partnership announcements and project releases by the Orbs team. Orbs was recently listed on top-tier exchanges FTX and KuCoin. Both Bithumb exchange and Moonstake wallet recently announced support for staking of ORBS, Orbs’ official token. In addition, Orbs officially introduced its newest DeFi project: Liquidity Nexus, for bridging the gap between CeFi and DeFi. Lastly, the Orbs project received considerable attention after it recently announced that it was teaming up with other major market players to launch a new accelerator for the DeFi ecosystem.
Gate.io exchange is operated by Gate Technology Inc. Gate.io is dedicated to security and user experience, offering not only a secure, simple and fair Bitcoin exchange but also promising to safeguard assets and trading information.
Gate.io exchange offers:
For more information, visit https://www.gate.io/
Orbs is a public blockchain infrastructure designed for mass usage applications and providing a complete blockchain stack. Combining scalability, low fees and isolation between virtual chains with a top-grade developer experience, online IDE and smart contracts in familiar languages, Orbs provide developers the perfect mix of performance, cost, security and ease of use. The Orbs protocol is decentralized and executed by a public network of permissionless validators using Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus. The Orbs protocol relies on the ORBS token used for the settlement of fees related to app execution and provides the system of incentives used to elect validators (who are referred to as “Guardians”) in a secure and decentralized manner.
Founded in 2017, Orbs is being developed by a dedicated team of more than 30 people out of Tel Aviv, Israel, London, UK, Singapore, Tokyo, Japan and Seoul, South Korea. Orbs was named Gartner's “Cool Vendor in Blockchain Technology” for 2018.
For more information, visit https://www.orbs.com/
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